1D Statistics Plot

Plots a line plot of a statistic.

Each variable in the statistic (ie, each variable chosen in the statistic operation’s Group By) must be set as Variable or as a facet.


Which statistic to plot.


The statistic variable put on the X axis. Must be numeric.

X Scale, Y Scale

How to scale the X and Y axes.

Horizontal Facet

Make muliple plots, with each column representing a subset of the statistic with a different value for this variable.

Vertical Facet

Make multiple plots, with each row representing a subset of the statistic with a different value for this variable.

Hue Facet

Make multiple bars with different colors; each color represents a subset of the statistic with a different value for this variable.

Color Scale

If Color Facet is a numeric variable, use this scale for the color bar.

Error Statistic

A statistic to use to make the error bars. Must have the same variables as the statistic in Statistic.


Plot only a subset of the statistic.
