
Plots a parallel coordinates plot. PC plots are good for multivariate data; each vertical line represents one attribute, and one set of connected line segments represents one data point.


The channels to plot, and their scales. Drag the blue dot to re-order.

Add Channel, Remove Channel

Add or remove a channel

Horizonal Facet

Make multiple plots. Each column has a unique value of this variable.

Vertical Facet

Make multiple plots. Each row has a unique value of this variable.

Color Facet

Plot different values of a condition with different colors.

Color Scale

Scale the color palette and the color bar

Tab Facet

Make multiple plots in differen tabs; each tab’s plot has a unique value of this variable.


Plot only a subset of the data in the experiment.

class cytoflowgui.view_plugins.parallel_coords.ParallelCoordinatesParamsHandler(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: traitsui.api.Controller

class cytoflowgui.view_plugins.parallel_coords.ChannelHandler(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: traitsui.api.Controller

class cytoflowgui.view_plugins.parallel_coords.ParallelCoordinatesHandler(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: cytoflowgui.view_plugins.view_plugin_base.ViewHandler


alias of traits.trait_types.Event


alias of traits.trait_types.Event

channels = <traits.traits.ForwardProperty object>
class cytoflowgui.view_plugins.parallel_coords.ParallelCoordinatesPlugin[source]

Bases: envisage.plugin.Plugin, cytoflowgui.view_plugins.view_plugin_base.PluginHelpMixin

view_id = ''
short_name = 'Parallel Coordinates Plot'
get_handler(model, context)[source]