Source code for cytoflowgui.workflow.operations.tasbe

#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# coding: latin-1

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2022
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.



import warnings
from traits.api import (HasTraits, provides, Str, observe, Instance, Int, Bool,
                        List, File, Float, Property, Constant)

from cytoflow.operations.autofluorescence import AutofluorescenceOp
from cytoflow.operations.bleedthrough_linear import BleedthroughLinearOp
from cytoflow.operations.bead_calibration import BeadCalibrationOp
from cytoflow.operations.color_translation import ColorTranslationOp
import cytoflow.utility as util

from .. import Changed
from ..views import IWorkflowView, WorkflowView
from ..views.view_base import IterWrapper
from ..serialization import camel_registry, traits_repr, dedent
from ..subset import ISubset

from .operation_base import IWorkflowOperation, WorkflowOperation

AutofluorescenceOp.__repr__ = traits_repr
BleedthroughLinearOp.__repr__ = traits_repr
BeadCalibrationOp.__repr__ = traits_repr
ColorTranslationOp.__repr__ = traits_repr

[docs]class BleedthroughControl(HasTraits): channel = Str file = File def __repr__(self): return traits_repr(self)
[docs]class TranslationControl(HasTraits): from_channel = Str to_channel = Str file = File def __repr__(self): return traits_repr(self)
[docs]class BeadUnit(HasTraits): channel = Str unit = Str def __repr__(self): return traits_repr(self)
[docs]class Progress(object): NO_MODEL = "No model estimated" AUTOFLUORESCENCE = "Estimating autofluorescence" BLEEDTHROUGH = "Estimating bleedthrough" BEAD_CALIBRATION = "Estimating bead calibration" COLOR_TRANSLATION = "Estimating color translation" VALID = "Valid model estimated!"
[docs]@provides(IWorkflowOperation) class TasbeWorkflowOp(WorkflowOperation): id = Constant('') friendly_id = Constant("Quantitative Pipeline") name = Constant("TASBE") channels = List(Str, estimate = True) blank_file = File(filter = ["*.fcs"], estimate = True) bleedthrough_list = List(BleedthroughControl, estimate = True) beads_name = Str(estimate = True) beads_file = File(filter = ["*.fcs"], estimate = True) beads_unit = Str(estimate = True) # used if do_color_translation is True units_list = List(BeadUnit, estimate = True) # used if do_color_translation is False bead_peak_quantile = Int(80, estimate = True) bead_brightness_threshold = Float(100.0, estimate = True) bead_brightness_cutoff = util.FloatOrNone(None, estimate = True) do_color_translation = Bool(False, estimate = True) to_channel = Str(estimate = True) translation_list = List(TranslationControl, estimate = True) mixture_model = Bool(False, estimate = True) _af_op = Instance(AutofluorescenceOp, (), transient = True) _bleedthrough_op = Instance(BleedthroughLinearOp, (), transient = True) _bead_calibration_op = Instance(BeadCalibrationOp, (), transient = True) _color_translation_op = Instance(ColorTranslationOp, (), transient = True) estimate_progress = Str(Progress.NO_MODEL, transient = True, estimate_result = True, status = True) # override the base class's "subset" with one that is dynamically generated / # updated from subset_list subset = Property(Str, observe = "subset_list.items.str") subset_list = List(ISubset, estimate = True) # bits to support the subset editor @observe('subset_list:items.str') def _on_subset_changed(self, _): self.changed = 'subset_list' # MAGIC - returns the value of the "subset" Property, above def _get_subset(self): return " and ".join([subset.str for subset in self.subset_list if subset.str]) @observe('channels.items,to_channel,do_color_translation', post_init = True) def _on_channels_changed(self, _): # bleedthrough for channel in self.channels: if channel not in [ for control in self.bleedthrough_list]: self.bleedthrough_list.append(BleedthroughControl(channel = channel)) to_remove = [] for control in self.bleedthrough_list: if not in self.channels: to_remove.append(control) for control in to_remove: self.bleedthrough_list.remove(control) # bead calibration for channel in self.channels: if channel not in [ for unit in self.units_list]: self.units_list.append(BeadUnit(channel = channel)) to_remove = [] for unit in self.units_list: if not in self.channels: to_remove.append(unit) for unit in to_remove: self.units_list.remove(unit) # color translation if self.to_channel not in self.channels: self.translation_list = [] self.to_channel = '' return for channel in self.channels: if channel != self.to_channel: if channel not in [control.from_channel for control in self.translation_list]: self.translation_list.append(TranslationControl(from_channel = channel, to_channel = self.to_channel)) to_remove = [] for control in self.translation_list: if control.from_channel not in self.channels or \ control.to_channel not in self.channels: to_remove.append(control) for control in to_remove: self.translation_list.remove(control) @observe('to_channel', post_init = True) def _on_to_channel_changed(self, _): self.translation_list = [] if self.to_channel: for c in self.channels: if c == self.to_channel: continue self.translation_list.append(TranslationControl(from_channel = c, to_channel = self.to_channel)) @observe("bleedthrough_list:items:file", post_init = True) def _bleedthrough_controls_changed(self, _): self.changed = 'bleedthrough_list' @observe("translation_list:items:file", post_init = True) def _translation_controls_changed(self, _): self.changed = 'translation_list' @observe('units_list:items:unit', post_init = True) def _on_units_changed(self, _): self.changed = 'units_list'
[docs] def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None): if not self.subset: warnings.warn("Are you sure you don't want to specify a subset " "used to estimate the model?", util.CytoflowOpWarning) if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowOpError("No valid result to estimate with") # TODO - don't actually need to apply these operations to data in estimate experiment = experiment.clone(deep = True) self.estimate_progress = Progress.AUTOFLUORESCENCE self._af_op.channels = self.channels self._af_op.blank_file = self.blank_file self._af_op.estimate(experiment, subset = self.subset) experiment = self._af_op.apply(experiment) self.estimate_progress = Progress.BLEEDTHROUGH self._bleedthrough_op.controls.clear() for control in self.bleedthrough_list: self._bleedthrough_op.controls[] = control.file self._bleedthrough_op.estimate(experiment, subset = self.subset) experiment = self._bleedthrough_op.apply(experiment) self.estimate_progress = Progress.BEAD_CALIBRATION self._bead_calibration_op.beads = BeadCalibrationOp.BEADS[self.beads_name] self._bead_calibration_op.beads_file = self.beads_file self._bead_calibration_op.bead_peak_quantile = self.bead_peak_quantile self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_threshold = self.bead_brightness_threshold self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_cutoff = self.bead_brightness_cutoff if self.do_color_translation: # this way matches TASBE better self._bead_calibration_op.units.clear() self._bead_calibration_op.units[self.to_channel] = self.beads_unit self._bead_calibration_op.estimate(experiment) experiment = self._bead_calibration_op.apply(experiment) self.estimate_progress = Progress.COLOR_TRANSLATION self._color_translation_op.mixture_model = self.mixture_model self._color_translation_op.controls.clear() for control in self.translation_list: self._color_translation_op.controls[(control.from_channel, control.to_channel)] = control.file self._color_translation_op.estimate(experiment, subset = self.subset) else: self._bead_calibration_op.units.clear() for unit in self.units_list: self._bead_calibration_op.units[] = unit.unit self._bead_calibration_op.estimate(experiment) experiment = self._bead_calibration_op.apply(experiment) self.estimate_progress = Progress.VALID
[docs] def should_clear_estimate(self, changed, payload): if changed == Changed.ESTIMATE: return True return False
[docs] def clear_estimate(self): self._af_op = AutofluorescenceOp() self._bleedthrough_op = BleedthroughLinearOp() self._bead_calibration_op = BeadCalibrationOp() self._color_translation_op = ColorTranslationOp() self.estimate_progress = Progress.NO_MODEL
[docs] def apply(self, experiment): if self.estimate_progress == Progress.NO_MODEL: raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, 'Click "Estimate"!') elif self.estimate_progress != Progress.VALID: raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, 'No valid model') experiment = self._af_op.apply(experiment) experiment = self._bleedthrough_op.apply(experiment) experiment = self._bead_calibration_op.apply(experiment) if self.do_color_translation: experiment = self._color_translation_op.apply(experiment) return experiment
[docs] def default_view(self, **kwargs): return TasbeWorkflowView(op = self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_notebook_code(self, idx): self._af_op.channels = self.channels self._af_op.blank_file = self.blank_file self._bleedthrough_op.controls.clear() for control in self.bleedthrough_list: self._bleedthrough_op.controls[] = control.file self._bead_calibration_op.beads = BeadCalibrationOp.BEADS[self.beads_name] self._bead_calibration_op.beads_file = self.beads_file self._bead_calibration_op.bead_peak_quantile = self.bead_peak_quantile self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_threshold = self.bead_brightness_threshold self._bead_calibration_op.bead_brightness_cutoff = self.bead_brightness_cutoff self._bead_calibration_op.units.clear() self._bead_calibration_op.units[self.to_channel] = self.beads_unit self._color_translation_op.mixture_model = self.mixture_model self._color_translation_op.controls.clear() for control in self.translation_list: self._color_translation_op.controls[(control.from_channel, control.to_channel)] = control.file return dedent(""" # the TASBE-style calibration is not a single Cytoflow module. Instead, it # is a specific sequence of four calibrations: autofluorescence correction, # bleedthrough, bead calibration and color translation. # autofluorescence op_{idx}_af = {af_repr} op_{idx}_af.estimate(ex_{prev_idx}{subset}) ex_{idx}_af = op_{idx}_af.apply(ex_{prev_idx}) # bleedthrough op_{idx}_bleedthrough = {bleedthrough_repr} op_{idx}_bleedthrough.estimate(ex_{idx}_af{subset}) ex_{idx}_bleedthrough = op_{idx}_bleedthrough.apply(ex_{idx}_af) # bead calibration # beads: {beads} op_{idx}_beads = {beads_repr} op_{idx}_beads.estimate(ex_{idx}_bleedthrough) ex_{idx}_beads = op_{idx}_beads.apply(ex_{idx}_bleedthrough) # color translation op_{idx}_color = {color_repr} op_{idx}_color.estimate(ex_{idx}_beads{subset}) ex_{idx} = op_{idx}_color.apply(ex_{idx}_beads) """ .format(idx = idx, prev_idx = idx - 1, af_repr = repr(self._af_op), bleedthrough_repr = repr(self._bleedthrough_op), color_repr = repr(self._color_translation_op), beads = self.beads_name, beads_repr = repr(self._bead_calibration_op), subset = ", subset = " + repr(self.subset) if self.subset else ""))
[docs]@provides(IWorkflowView) class TasbeWorkflowView(WorkflowView): op = Instance(TasbeWorkflowOp) plot_params = Instance(HasTraits, ()) id = "" friendly_id = "TASBE Calibration" name = Constant("TASBE Calibration")
[docs] def enum_plots(self, experiment): return IterWrapper(iter(["Autofluorescence", "Bleedthrough", "Bead Calibration", "Color Translation"]), [])
[docs] def should_plot(self, changed, payload): if changed == Changed.RESULT or changed == Changed.PREV_RESULT: return False return True
[docs] def plot(self, experiment, **kwargs): if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowViewError("No experiment to plot") if self.current_plot == "Autofluorescence": self.op._af_op.default_view().plot(experiment, **kwargs) elif self.current_plot == "Bleedthrough": self.op._bleedthrough_op.default_view().plot(experiment, **kwargs) elif self.current_plot == "Bead Calibration": self.op._bead_calibration_op.default_view().plot(experiment, **kwargs) elif self.current_plot == "Color Translation": self.op._color_translation_op.default_view().plot(experiment, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_notebook_code(self, idx): return dedent(""" # Autofluorescence op_{idx}_af.default_view().plot(ex_{prev_idx}) # Bleedthrough op_{idx}_bleedthrough.default_view().plot(ex_{idx}_af) # Bead calibration op_{idx}_beads.default_view().plot(ex_{idx}_bleedthrough) # Color translation op_{idx}_color.default_view().plot(ex_{idx}_beads) """ .format(idx = idx, prev_idx = idx - 1))
### Serialization @camel_registry.dumper(TasbeWorkflowOp, 'tasbe', version = 1) def _dump_v1(op): return dict(channels = op.channels, blank_file = op.blank_file, bleedthrough_list = op.bleedthrough_list, beads_name = op.beads_name, beads_file = op.beads_file, beads_unit = op.beads_unit, bead_peak_quantile = op.bead_peak_quantile, bead_brightness_threshold = op.bead_brightness_threshold, bead_brightness_cutoff = op.bead_brightness_cutoff, to_channel = op.to_channel, mixture_model = op.mixture_model, translation_list = op.translation_list, subset_list = op.subset_list) @camel_registry.dumper(TasbeWorkflowOp, 'tasbe', version = 2) def _dump_v2(op): return dict(channels = op.channels, blank_file = op.blank_file, bleedthrough_list = op.bleedthrough_list, beads_name = op.beads_name, beads_file = op.beads_file, beads_unit = op.beads_unit, units_list = op.units_list, bead_peak_quantile = op.bead_peak_quantile, bead_brightness_threshold = op.bead_brightness_threshold, bead_brightness_cutoff = op.bead_brightness_cutoff, do_color_translation = op.do_color_translation, to_channel = op.to_channel, mixture_model = op.mixture_model, translation_list = op.translation_list, subset_list = op.subset_list) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe', version = 1) def _load_v1(data, version): # should be fine -- the only change to v2 was the addition of units_list # and do_color_translation, both of which have okay defaults return TasbeWorkflowOp(**data) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe', version = 2) def _load_v2(data, version): return TasbeWorkflowOp(**data) @camel_registry.dumper(BleedthroughControl, 'tasbe-bleedthrough-control', version = 1) def _dump_bleedthrough_control(bl): return dict(channel =, file = bl.file) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe-bleedthrough-control', version = 1) def _load_bleedthrough_control(data, version): return BleedthroughControl(**data) @camel_registry.dumper(TranslationControl, 'tasbe-translation-control', version = 1) def _dump_translation_control(tl): return dict(from_channel = tl.from_channel, to_channel = tl.to_channel, file = tl.file) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe-translation-control', version = 1) def _load_translation_control(data, version): return TranslationControl(**data) @camel_registry.dumper(BeadUnit, 'tasbe-bead-unit', version = 1) def _dump_bead_unit(bu): return dict(channel =, unit = bu.unit) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe-bead-unit', version = 1) def _load_bead_unit(data, version): return BeadUnit(**data) @camel_registry.dumper(TasbeWorkflowView, 'tasbe-view', version = 1) def _dump_view(view): return dict(op = view.op) @camel_registry.loader('tasbe-view', version = 1) def _load_view(data, version): return TasbeWorkflowView(**data)