Source code for cytoflowgui.editors.vertical_notebook

#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# coding: latin-1

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2022
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


The model for `cytoflowgui.editors.vertical_notebook_editor.VerticalNotebookEditor`.


# for local debugging
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig
    ETSConfig.toolkit = 'qt4'

    import os
    os.environ['TRAITS_DEBUG'] = "1"

from pyface.qt import QtGui, QtCore
from pyface.api import ImageResource

from traits.api import (HasTraits, HasPrivateTraits, Instance, List, Str, Bool, 
                        Property, Any, cached_property, Int, on_trait_change)

from traitsui.api import UI, Editor

[docs]class VerticalNotebookPage(HasPrivateTraits): """ A class representing a vertical page within a notebook. """ #-- Public Traits -------------------------------------------------------- name = Str """The name of the page (displayed on its 'tab')""" description = Str """ The description of the page (displayed in smaller text in the button)""" ui = Instance(UI) """The Traits UI associated with this page """ data = Any """Optional client data associated with the page """ name_object = Instance(HasTraits) """The HasTraits object whose trait we look at to set the page name""" name_object_trait = Str """The name of the *name_object* trait that signals a page name change""" description_object = Instance(HasTraits) """The HasTraits object whose trait we look at to set the page description""" description_object_trait = Str """The name of the *description_object* trait that signals a page description change""" icon = Str('ok') """The icon for the page button -- a Str that is the name of an ImageResource""" icon_object = Instance(HasTraits) """The HasTraits object whose trait we look at to set the page icon""" icon_object_trait = Str """The name of the *icon_object* trait that signals an icon change""" deletable = Bool(False) """If the notebook has "delete" buttons, can this page be deleted?""" deletable_object = Instance(HasTraits) """ The HasTraits object whose trait we look at to set the delete button enabled or disabled """ deletable_object_trait = Str """The name of the *deletable_object* trait that signals a deletable change""" parent = Property """The parent window for the client page""" #-- Traits for use by the Notebook ---------------------------------------- is_open = Bool(False) """The current open status of the notebook page""" min_size = Property """The minimum size for the page""" #-- Private Traits ------------------------------------------------------- # The notebook this page is associated with: notebook = Instance('VerticalNotebook') # The control representing the open page: control = Property # The layout for the controls layout = Instance(QtGui.QVBoxLayout) # the control representing the command button. need to keep it around # so we can update its name, desc, and icon dynamaically cmd_button = Instance(QtGui.QCommandLinkButton) # the control representing the "delete" button, if the notebook has them del_button = Instance(QtGui.QPushButton) #-- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dispose(self): """ Removes this notebook page. """ if self.name_object is not None: self.name_object.on_trait_change(self._name_updated, self.name_object_trait, remove=True) self.name_object = None if self.description_object is not None: self.description_object.on_trait_change(self._description_updated, self.description_object_trait, remove=True) if self.icon_object is not None: self.icon_object.on_trait_change(self._icon_updated, self.icon_object_trait, remove = True) # make sure we dispose of the child ui properly if self.ui is not None: self.ui.dispose() self.ui = None # this cleans up all the widgets in this control's layout self.control.deleteLater()
[docs] def register_name_listener(self, model, trait): """ Registers a listener on the specified object trait for a page name change. """ # Save the information, so we can unregister it later: self.name_object, self.name_object_trait = model, trait # Register the listener: self.name_object.on_trait_change(self._name_updated, trait) # Make sure the name gets initialized: self._name_updated()
[docs] def register_description_listener(self, model, trait): """ Registers a listener on the specified object trait for a page description change """ # save the info so we can unregister it later self.description_object, self.description_object_trait = model, trait # register the listener self.description_object.on_trait_change( self._description_updated, trait) # make sure the description gets initialized self._description_updated()
[docs] def register_icon_listener(self, model, trait): """ Registers a listener on the specified object trait for a page icon change """ # save the info so we can unregister it later self.icon_object, self.icon_object_trait = model, trait # register the listener self.icon_object.on_trait_change(self._icon_updated, trait) # make sure the icon gets initialized self._icon_updated()
[docs] def register_deletable_listener(self, model, trait): """ Registers a listener on the specified object trait for the delete button enable/disable """ # save the info so we can unregister it later self.deletable_object, self.deletable_object_trait = model, trait # register the listener self.deletable_object.on_trait_change(self._deletable_updated, trait) # make sure the bool gets initialized self._deletable_updated()
def _handle_page_toggle(self): if self.is_open: self.notebook.close(self) else: def _handle_close_button(self): # because of the various handlers, all we have to do is remove # from the underlying list, and the ui should take care # of itself. self.notebook.editor.value.remove( @cached_property def _get_control(self): """ Returns the control cluster for the notebook page """ self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() control = QtGui.QWidget() dpi = control.physicalDpiX() buttons_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() buttons_container = QtGui.QWidget() self.cmd_button = QtGui.QCommandLinkButton(buttons_container) self.cmd_button.setVisible(True) self.cmd_button.setCheckable(True) self.cmd_button.setFlat(True) self.cmd_button.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.cmd_button.clicked.connect(self._handle_page_toggle) self.cmd_button.setText( self.cmd_button.setDescription(self.description) self.cmd_button.setIcon(ImageResource('ok').create_icon()) self.cmd_button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(dpi * 0.2, dpi * 0.2)) size_policy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) size_policy.setHeightForWidth(True) self.cmd_button.setSizePolicy(size_policy) buttons_layout.addWidget(self.cmd_button) if self.notebook.delete: self.del_button = QtGui.QPushButton(buttons_container) self.del_button.setVisible(True) self.del_button.setFlat(True) self.del_button.setEnabled(self.deletable) self.del_button.setIcon(ImageResource('close').create_icon()) self.del_button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(dpi * 0.1, dpi * 0.1)) self.del_button.clicked.connect(self._handle_close_button) buttons_layout.addWidget(self.del_button) buttons_container.setLayout(buttons_layout) self.layout.addWidget(buttons_container) self.ui.control.setVisible(self.is_open) self.layout.addWidget(self.ui.control) separator = QtGui.QFrame(control) separator.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) separator.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.layout.addWidget(separator) self.layout.setContentsMargins(11, 0, 5, 0) control.setLayout(self.layout) return control def _get_parent(self): """ Returns the parent window for the client's window. """ return self.notebook.control @on_trait_change('is_open', dispatch = 'ui') def _on_is_open_changed(self, is_open): """ Handles the 'is_open' state of the page being changed. """ self.ui.control.setVisible(is_open) self.cmd_button.setChecked(is_open) if self.icon_object is None: if is_open: self.icon = 'down' else: self.icon = 'right' @on_trait_change('name', dispatch = 'ui') def _on_name_changed(self, name): """ Handles the name trait being changed. """ if self.cmd_button: self.cmd_button.setText(name) @on_trait_change('description', dispatch = 'ui') def _on_description_changed(self, description): if self.cmd_button: self.cmd_button.setDescription(description) @on_trait_change('icon', dispatch = 'ui') def _on_icon_changed(self, icon): if self.cmd_button: self.cmd_button.setIcon(ImageResource(icon).create_icon()) @on_trait_change('deletable', dispatch = 'ui') def _on_deletable_changed(self, deletable): if self.del_button: self.del_button.setEnabled(deletable) def _name_updated(self): """ Handles a signal that the associated object's page name has changed. """ nb = self.notebook handler_name = None method = None editor = nb.editor if editor is not None: # I don't 100% understand this magic (taken from the wx themed # vertical notebook). looks like a handler redirect? method = getattr(editor.ui.handler, '%s_%s_page_name' % (editor.object_name,, None) if method is not None: handler_name = method(, self.name_object) if handler_name is not None: = handler_name else: = getattr(self.name_object, self.name_object_trait) or '???' def _description_updated(self): """ Handles the signal that the associated object's description has changed. """ nb = self.notebook handler_desc = None method = None editor = nb.editor if editor is not None: method = getattr(editor.ui.handler, '%s_%s_page_description' % (editor.object_name,, None) if method is not None: handler_desc = method(, self.description_object) if handler_desc is not None: self.description = handler_desc else: self.description = getattr(self.description_object, self.description_object_trait) or '' def _icon_updated(self): """ Handles the signal that the associated object's icon has changed. """ nb = self.notebook handler_icon = None method = None editor = nb.editor if editor is not None: method = getattr(editor.ui.handler, '%s_%s_page_icon' % (editor.object_name,, None) if method is not None: handler_icon = method(, self.icon_object) if handler_icon is not None: self.icon = handler_icon else: self.icon = getattr(self.icon_object, self.icon_object_trait, None) def _deletable_updated(self): """ Handles the signal that the associated object's deletable state has changed. """ nb = self.notebook handler_deletable = None method = None editor = nb.editor if editor is not None: method = getattr(editor.ui.handler, '%s_%s_page_deletable' % (editor.object_name,, None) if method is not None: handler_deletable = method(, self.deletable_object) if handler_deletable is not None: self.deletable = handler_deletable else: self.deletable = getattr(self.deletable_object, self.deletable_object_trait, False)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'VerticalNotebook' class: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VerticalNotebook(HasPrivateTraits): """ Defines a ThemedVerticalNotebook class for displaying a series of pages organized vertically, as opposed to horizontally like a standard notebook. """ #-- Public Traits -------------------------------------------------------- multiple_open = Bool(False) """Allow multiple open pages at once?""" delete = Bool(False) """can the editor delete list items?""" pages = List(VerticalNotebookPage) """The pages contained in the notebook""" editor = Instance(Editor) """The traits UI editor this notebook is associated with (if any)""" #-- Private Traits ------------------------------------------------------- # The Qt control used to represent the notebook: control = Instance(QtGui.QWidget) # The Qt layout containing the child widgets & layouts layout = Instance(QtGui.QVBoxLayout) #-- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_control(self, parent): """ Creates the underlying Qt window used for the notebook. """ self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.control = QtGui.QWidget() self.control.setLayout(self.layout) return self.control
[docs] def create_page(self): """ Creates a new **VerticalNotebook** object representing a notebook page and returns it as the result. """ return VerticalNotebookPage(notebook=self)
[docs] def open(self, page): """ Handles opening a specified notebook page. """ if (page is not None) and (not page.is_open): if not self.multiple_open: for a_page in self.pages: a_page.is_open = False page.is_open = True
[docs] def close(self, page): """ Handles closing a specified notebook page. """ if (page is not None) and page.is_open: page.is_open = False
#-- Trait Event Handlers ------------------------------------------------- def _pages_changed(self, old, new): """ Handles the notebook's pages being changed. """ for page in old: page.dispose() self._refresh() def _pages_items_changed(self, event): """ Handles some of the notebook's pages being changed. """ for page in event.removed: page.dispose() self._refresh() def _multiple_open_changed(self, multiple_open): """ Handles the 'multiple_open' flag being changed. """ if not multiple_open: first = True for page in self.pages: if first and page.is_open: first = False else: page.is_open = False #-- Private Methods ------------------------------------------------------ def _refresh(self): """ Refresh the layout and contents of the notebook. """ self.control.setUpdatesEnabled(False) while self.layout.count() > 0: self.layout.takeAt(0) for page in self.pages: self.layout.addWidget(page.control) self.layout.addStretch(1) self.control.setUpdatesEnabled(True)
if __name__ == '__main__': from traitsui.api import View, Group, Item from cytoflowgui.editors.vertical_notebook_editor import VerticalNotebookEditor class TestPageClass(HasTraits): trait1 = Str trait2 = Bool trait3 = Bool traits_view = View(Group(Item(name='trait1'), Item(name='trait2'), Item(name='trait3'))) class TestList(HasTraits): el = List(TestPageClass) view = View( Group( Item(name='el', id='table', #editor = ListEditor() editor=VerticalNotebookEditor(page_name='.trait1', view='traits_view', delete = True) )), resizable = True) from cytoflowgui.utility import record_events import os with record_events() as container: test = TestList() test.el.append(TestPageClass(trait1="one", trait2=True)) test.el.append(TestPageClass(trait1="three", trait2=False)) test.configure_traits() container.save_to_directory(os.getcwd())