Source code for cytoflow.operations.import_op

#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# coding: latin-1

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2022
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


`import_op` has two classes:

`Tube` -- represents a tube in a flow cytometry experiment -- an FCS file name
and a dictionary of experimental conditions.

`ImportOp` -- the operation that actually creates a new `Experiment` from a list
of `Tube`.

There are a few utility functions as well:

  - `parse_tube` -- parse an FCS file.

  - `check_tube` -- checks an FCS file's parameters against an `Experiment`.
  - `autodetect_name_metadata` -- see if ``$PnN`` or ``$PnS`` has the channel names

import warnings, math
from traits.api import (HasTraits, HasStrictTraits, provides, Str, List, Any,
                        Dict, File, Constant, Enum, Int)

from fcsparser import fcsparser
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path

import cytoflow.utility as util

from ..experiment import Experiment
from .i_operation import IOperation

[docs]class Tube(HasTraits): """ Represents a tube or plate well we want to import. Attributes ---------- file : File The file name of the FCS file to import conditions : Dict(Str, Any) A dictionary containing this tube's experimental conditions. Keys are condition names, values are condition values. Examples -------- >>> tube1 = flow.Tube(file = 'RFP_Well_A3.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 10.0}) >>> tube2 = flow.Tube(file='CFP_Well_A4.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 1.0}) """ # the file name for the FCS file to import file = File # a dict of experimental conditions: name --> value conditions = Dict(Str, Any)
[docs] def conditions_equal(self, other): return other and len(set(self.conditions.items()) ^ set(other.conditions.items())) == 0
def __eq__(self, other): return other and (self.file == other.file and self.conditions == other.conditions) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.file, (frozenset(self.conditions.keys()), frozenset(self.conditions.values()))))
[docs]@provides(IOperation) class ImportOp(HasStrictTraits): """ An operation for importing data and making an `Experiment`. To use, set the `conditions` dict to a mapping between condition name and NumPy ``dtype``. Useful dtypes include ``category``, ``float``, ``int``, ``bool``. Next, set `tubes` to a list of `Tube` containing FCS filenames and the corresponding conditions. If you would rather not analyze every single event in every FCS file, set `events` to the number of events from each FCS file you want to load. Call `apply` to load the data. The usual ``experiment`` parameter can be ``None``. Attributes ---------- conditions : Dict(Str, Str) A dictionary mapping condition names (keys) to NumPy ``dtype``s (values). Useful ``dtype``s include ``category``, ``float``, ``int``, and ``bool``. tubes : List(Tube) A list of ``Tube`` instances, which map FCS files to their corresponding experimental conditions. Each ``Tube`` must have a ``Tube.conditions`` dict whose keys match those of `conditions`. channels : Dict(Str, Str) If you only need a subset of the channels available in the data set, specify them here. Each ``(key, value)`` pair specifies a channel to include in the output experiment. The key is the channel name in the FCS file, and the value is the name of the channel in the Experiment. You can use this to rename channels as you import data (because flow channel names are frequently not terribly informative.) New channel names must be valid Python identifiers: start with a letter or ``_``, and all characters must be letters, numbers or ``_``. If `channels` is empty, load all channels in the FCS files. events : Int If not None, import only a random subset of events of size `events`. Presumably the analysis will go faster but less precisely; good for interactive data exploration. Then, unset `events` and re-run the analysis non-interactively. name_metadata : {None, "$PnN", "$PnS"} (default = None) Which FCS metadata is the channel name? If ``None``, attempt to autodetect. data_set : Int (default = 0) The FCS standard allows you to encode multiple data sets in a single FCS file. Some software (such as the Beckman-Coulter software) also encode the same data in two different formats -- for example, FCS2.0 and FCS3.0. To access a data set other than the first one, set `data_set` to the 0-based index of the data set you would like to use. This will be used for *all FCS files imported by this operation.* ignore_v : List(Str) `cytoflow` is designed to operate on an `Experiment` containing tubes that were all collected under the same instrument settings. In particular, the same PMT voltages ensure that data can be compared across samples. *Very rarely*, you may need to set up an `Experiment` with different voltage settings on different `Tube` instances. This is likely only to be the case when you are trying to figure out which voltages should be used in future experiments. If so, set `ignore_v` to a list of channel names to ignore particular channels. .. warning:: THIS WILL BREAK REAL EXPERIMENTS Examples -------- >>> tube1 = flow.Tube(file = 'RFP_Well_A3.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 10.0}) >>> tube2 = flow.Tube(file='CFP_Well_A4.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 1.0}) >>> import_op = flow.ImportOp(conditions = {"Dox" : "float"}, ... tubes = [tube1, tube2]) >>> ex = import_op.apply() """ id = Constant("") friendly_id = Constant("Import") name = Constant("Import Data") # experimental conditions: name --> dtype. conditions = Dict(Str, Str) # the tubes tubes = List(Tube) # which channels do we import? channels = Dict(Str, Str) # which FCS metadata has the channel names in it? name_metadata = Enum(None, "$PnN", "$PnS") # which data set to get out of the FCS files? data_set = Int(0) # are we subsetting? events = Int(None) # DON'T DO THIS ignore_v = List(Str)
[docs] def apply(self, experiment = None, metadata_only = False): """ Load a new `Experiment`. Parameters ---------- experiment : Experiment Ignored metadata_only : bool (default = False) Only "import" the metadata, creating an Experiment with all the expected metadata and structure but 0 events. Returns ------- Experiment The new `Experiment`. New channels have the following metadata: - **voltage** - int The voltage that this channel was collected at. Determined by the ``$PnV`` field from the first FCS file. - **range** - int The maximum range of this channel. Determined by the ``$PnR`` field from the first FCS file. New experimental conditions do not have **voltage** or **range** metadata, obviously. Instead, they have **experiment** set to ``True``, to distinguish the experimental variables from the conditions that were added by gates, etc. If `ignore_v` is set, it is added as a key to the `Experiment`-wide metadata. """ if not self.tubes or len(self.tubes) == 0: raise util.CytoflowOpError('tubes', "Must specify some tubes!") # if we have channel renaming, make sure the new names are valid # python identifiers if self.channels: for old_name, new_name in self.channels.items(): if not new_name: raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', 'Can\'t leave the new name for {} empty' .format(old_name)) if old_name != new_name and new_name != util.sanitize_identifier(new_name): raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "Channel name {} must be a " "valid Python identifier." .format(new_name)) # make sure each tube has the same conditions tube0_conditions = set(self.tubes[0].conditions) for tube in self.tubes: tube_conditions = set(tube.conditions) if len(tube0_conditions ^ tube_conditions) > 0: raise util.CytoflowOpError('tubes', "Tube {0} didn't have the same " "conditions as tube {1}" .format(tube.file, self.tubes[0].file)) # make sure experimental conditions are unique for idx, i in enumerate(self.tubes[0:-1]): for j in self.tubes[idx+1:]: if i.conditions_equal(j): raise util.CytoflowOpError('tubes', "The same conditions specified for " "tube {0} and tube {1}" .format(i.file, j.file)) experiment = Experiment() experiment.metadata["ignore_v"] = self.ignore_v for condition, dtype in list(self.conditions.items()): experiment.add_condition(condition, dtype) experiment.metadata[condition]['experiment'] = True try: # silence warnings about duplicate channels; # we'll figure that out below with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tube0_meta = fcsparser.parse(self.tubes[0].file, data_set = self.data_set, meta_data_only = True, reformat_meta = True) except Exception as e: raise util.CytoflowOpError('tubes', "FCS reader threw an error reading metadata " "for tube {}: {}" .format(self.tubes[0].file, str(e))) from e meta_channels = tube0_meta["_channels_"] if self.name_metadata: experiment.metadata["name_metadata"] = self.name_metadata else: experiment.metadata["name_metadata"] = autodetect_name_metadata(self.tubes[0].file, data_set = self.data_set) meta_channels['Index'] = meta_channels.index meta_channels.set_index(experiment.metadata["name_metadata"], inplace = True) channels = list(self.channels.keys()) if self.channels \ else list(meta_channels.index.values) # make sure everything in self.channels is in the tube channels for channel in channels: if channel not in meta_channels.index: raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "Channel {0} not in tube {1}" .format(channel, self.tubes[0].file)) # now that we have the metadata, load it into experiment for channel in channels: experiment.add_channel(channel) experiment.metadata[channel]["fcs_name"] = channel # keep track of the channel's PMT voltage if("$PnV" in meta_channels.loc[channel]): v = meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnV'] if v: experiment.metadata[channel]["voltage"] = v # add the maximum possible value for this channel. data_range = meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnR'] data_range = float(data_range) experiment.metadata[channel]['range'] = data_range experiment.metadata['fcs_metadata'] = {} for tube in self.tubes: if metadata_only: tube_meta, tube_data = parse_tube(tube.file, experiment, data_set = self.data_set, metadata_only = True) else: tube_meta, tube_data = parse_tube(tube.file, experiment, data_set = self.data_set) if is not None: if <= len(tube_data): tube_data = tube_data.loc[np.random.choice(tube_data.index,, replace = False)] else: warnings.warn("Only {0} events in tube {1}" .format(len(tube_data), tube.file), util.CytoflowWarning) experiment.add_events(tube_data[channels], tube.conditions) # extract the row and column from wells collected on a # BD HTS if 'WELL ID' in tube_meta: pos = tube_meta['WELL ID'] tube_meta['CF_Row'] = pos[0] tube_meta['CF_Col'] = int(pos[1:3]) for i, channel in enumerate(channels): # remove the PnV tube metadata if '$P{}V'.format(i+1) in tube_meta: del tube_meta['$P{}V'.format(i+1)] # work around a bug where the PnR is sometimes not the detector range # but the data range. pnr = '$P{}R'.format(i+1) if pnr in tube_meta and float(tube_meta[pnr]) > experiment.metadata[channel]['range']: experiment.metadata[channel]['range'] = float(tube_meta[pnr]) tube_meta['CF_File'] = Path(tube.file).stem experiment.metadata['fcs_metadata'][tube.file] = tube_meta # take care of strange encodings for channel in channels: # this catches an odd corner case where some instruments store # instrument-specific info in the "extra" bits. we have to # clear them out. if tube0_meta['$DATATYPE'] == 'I': data_bits = int(meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnB']) data_range = float(meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnR']) range_bits = int(math.ceil(math.log(data_range, 2))) if range_bits < data_bits: warnings.warn('The data range $PnR doesn\'t match the data bits $PnB for channel {}, masking out {} bits' .format(channel, data_bits - range_bits), util.CytoflowWarning) mask = 1 for _ in range(1, range_bits): mask = mask << 1 | 1[channel] =[channel].values.astype('int') & mask # re-scale the data to linear if if's recorded as log-scaled with # integer channels data_range = float(meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnR']) f1 = float(meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnE'][0]) f2 = float(meta_channels.loc[channel]['$PnE'][1]) if f1 > 0.0 and f2 == 0.0: warnings.warn('Invalid $PnE = {},{} for channel {}, changing it to {},1.0' .format(f1, f2, channel, f1), util.CytoflowWarning) f2 = 1.0 if f1 > 0.0 and f2 > 0.0 and tube0_meta['$DATATYPE'] == 'I': warnings.warn('Converting channel {} from logarithmic to linear' .format(channel), util.CytoflowWarning)[channel] = 10 ** (f1 *[channel] / data_range) * f2 # rename channels if necessary for channel in channels: if self.channels and channel in self.channels: new_name = self.channels[channel] if channel == new_name: continue = {channel : new_name}, inplace = True) experiment.metadata[new_name] = experiment.metadata[channel] experiment.metadata[new_name]["fcs_name"] = channel del experiment.metadata[channel] return experiment
[docs]def check_tube(filename, experiment, data_set = 0): """ Check to see if an FCS file can be parsed, and that the tube's parameters are the same as those already in the `Experiment`. If not, raises `CytoflowError`. At the moment, only checks $PnV, the detector voltages. Parameters ---------- filename : string An FCS filename experiment : `Experiment` The `Experiment` to check ``filename`` against. data_set : int (optional, default = 0) The FCS standard allows for multiple data sets; ``data_set`` specifies which one to check. Raises ------ `CytoflowError` If the FCS file can't be read, or if the voltages in ``filename`` are different than those in ``experiment``. """ if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowError("No experiment specified") ignore_v = experiment.metadata['ignore_v'] try: tube_meta = fcsparser.parse( filename, channel_naming = experiment.metadata["name_metadata"], data_set = data_set, meta_data_only = True, reformat_meta = True) except Exception as e: raise util.CytoflowError("FCS reader threw an error reading metadata " "for tube {0}" .format(filename)) from e # first make sure the tube has the right channels if not set([experiment.metadata[c]["fcs_name"] for c in experiment.channels]) <= set(tube_meta["_channel_names_"]): raise util.CytoflowError("Tube {0} doesn't have the same channels as the rest of the experiment" .format(filename)) tube_channels = tube_meta["_channels_"] tube_channels.set_index(experiment.metadata["name_metadata"], inplace = True) # next check the per-channel parameters for channel in experiment.channels: fcs_name = experiment.metadata[channel]["fcs_name"] # first check voltage if "voltage" in experiment.metadata[channel]: if not "$PnV" in tube_channels.loc[fcs_name]: raise util.CytoflowError("Didn't find a voltage for channel {0}" \ "in tube {1}".format(channel, filename)) old_v = experiment.metadata[channel]["voltage"] new_v = tube_channels.loc[fcs_name]['$PnV'] if old_v != new_v and not channel in ignore_v: raise util.CytoflowError("Tube {0}, channel {1} doesn't have the same voltages as the rest of the experiment" .format(filename, channel))
# TODO check the delay -- and any other params?
[docs]def autodetect_name_metadata(filename, data_set = 0): """ Tries to determine whether the channel names should come from $PnN or $PnS. Parameters ---------- filename : string The name of the FCS file to operate on data_set : int (optional, default = 0) Which data set in the FCS file to operate on Returns ------- The name of the parameter to parse channel names from, either "$PnN" or "$PnS" """ try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") metadata = fcsparser.parse(filename, data_set = data_set, meta_data_only = True, reformat_meta = True) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("Trouble getting metadata from {}: {}".format(filename, str(e)), util.CytoflowWarning) return '$PnS' meta_channels = metadata["_channels_"] if "$PnN" in meta_channels and not "$PnS" in meta_channels: name_metadata = "$PnN" elif "$PnN" not in meta_channels and "$PnS" in meta_channels: name_metadata = "$PnS" else: PnN = meta_channels["$PnN"] PnS = meta_channels["$PnS"] # sometimes not all of the channels have a $PnS. all the channels must # have a $PnN to be compliant with the spec if None in PnS: name_metadata = "$PnN" # sometimes one is unique and the other isn't if (len(set(PnN)) == len(PnN) and len(set(PnS)) != len(PnS)): name_metadata = "$PnN" elif (len(set(PnN)) != len(PnN) and len(set(PnS)) == len(PnS)): name_metadata = "$PnS" else: # as per fcsparser.api, $PnN is the "short name" (like FL-1) # and $PnS is the "actual name" (like "FSC-H"). so let's # use $PnS. name_metadata = "$PnS" return name_metadata
# module-level, so we can reuse it in other modules
[docs]def parse_tube(filename, experiment = None, data_set = 0, metadata_only = False): """ Parses an FCS file. A thin wrapper over ``fcsparser.parse``. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to parse. experiment : `Experiment` (optional, default: None) If provided, check the tube's parameters against this experiment first. data_set : int (optional, default: 0) Which data set in the FCS file to parse? metadata_only : bool (optional, default: False) If ``True``, only parse the metadata. Because this is at the beginning of the FCS file, this happens much faster than parsing the entire file. Returns ------- tube_metadata : dict The metadata from the FCS file tube_data : `pandas.DataFrame` The actual tabular data from the FCS file. Each row is an event, and each column is a channel. """ if experiment: check_tube(filename, experiment) name_metadata = experiment.metadata["name_metadata"] else: name_metadata = '$PnS' try: if metadata_only: tube_data = None with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tube_meta = fcsparser.parse( filename, meta_data_only = True, data_set = data_set, channel_naming = name_metadata) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tube_meta, tube_data = fcsparser.parse( filename, meta_data_only = metadata_only, data_set = data_set, channel_naming = name_metadata) except Exception as e: raise util.CytoflowError("FCS reader threw an error reading data for tube {}" .format(filename)) from e del tube_meta['__header__'] return tube_meta, tube_data