Source code for cytoflowgui.view_plugins.view_plugin_base

Created on Jan 16, 2021

@author: brian

import inspect, pathlib

from traits.api import HasTraits, observe, HTML, Instance
from traitsui.api import View, Item, HGroup, TextEditor, Controller, TupleEditor
from pyface.qt import QtGui

from ..editors import TabListEditor

[docs]class PluginHelpMixin(HasTraits): """ A mixin to get online HTML help for a class. It determines the HTML path name from the class name. """ _cached_help = HTML
[docs] def get_help(self): """ Gets the HTML help for this class. Returns ------- string The HTML help in a single string. """ # we name the help files the same as the module name for # the plugin. so, use the inspect module to figure that out. if self._cached_help == "": class_path = pathlib.PurePath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)) help_file = class_path.parents[1] / 'help' / 'views' / (class_path.stem + '.html') with open(help_file, encoding = 'utf-8') as f: self._cached_help = return self._cached_help
[docs]class ViewHandler(Controller): """ Useful bits for view handlers. """ context = Instance('cytoflowgui.workflow.workflow_item.WorkflowItem') # the view for the current plot (tab editor at the top of the plot window) view_plot_name_view = \ View(HGroup(Item('context.plot_names_label', editor = TextEditor(), style = "readonly", show_label = False), Item('current_plot', editor = TabListEditor(name = 'context.plot_names'), style = 'custom', show_label = False))) @observe('context:plot_names,context:plot_names.items', post_init = True) def _plot_names_changed(self, _): if self.model and not self.context.plot_names: self.model.current_plot = "" @observe('context.view_error_trait', dispatch = 'ui', post_init = True) def _view_trait_error(self, _): # check if we're getting called on the local or remote process if is None or is None: return for ed in if == self.context.view_error_trait: err_state = True else: err_state = False if not ed.label_control: continue item = ed.label_control if not err_state and not hasattr(item, '_ok_color'): continue pal = QtGui.QPalette(item.palette()) if err_state: setattr(item, '_ok_color', QtGui.QColor(pal.color(item.backgroundRole()))) pal.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(255, 145, 145)) item.setAutoFillBackground(True) item.setPalette(pal) else: pal.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), item._ok_color) delattr(item, '_ok_color') item.setAutoFillBackground(False) item.setPalette(pal)
BasePlotParamsView = View(Item('title', editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), Item('xlabel', label = "X label", editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), Item('ylabel', label = "Y label", editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), Item('huelabel', label = "Hue label", editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), Item('col_wrap', label = "Columns", editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))), Item('sns_style', label = "Style"), Item('sns_context', label = "Context"), Item('legend', label = "Show legend?"), Item('sharex', label = "Share\nX axis?"), Item('sharey', label = "Share\nY axis?"), Item('despine', label = "Despine?")) DataPlotParamsView = View(Item('min_quantile', editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), Item('max_quantile', editor = TextEditor(auto_set = False, placeholder = "None")), BasePlotParamsView.content) Data1DPlotParamsView = View(Item('orientation'), Item('lim', label = "Data\nLimits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), DataPlotParamsView.content) Data2DPlotParamsView = View(Item('xlim', label = "X Limits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), Item('ylim', label = "Y Limits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), DataPlotParamsView.content) Stats1DPlotParamsView = View(Item('orientation'), Item('lim', label = "Limits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), BasePlotParamsView.content) Stats2DPlotParamsView = View(Item('xlim', label = "X Limits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), Item('ylim', label = "Y Limits", editor = TupleEditor(editors = [TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)), TextEditor(auto_set = False, evaluate = float, placeholder = "None", format_func = lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))], labels = ["Min", "Max"], cols = 1)), BasePlotParamsView.content)