Source code for cytoflowgui.workflow.operations.range

#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# coding: latin-1

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2022
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.



from traits.api import provides, Instance, Str, Tuple, Property, observe

from cytoflow.operations.range import RangeOp, RangeSelection
import cytoflow.utility as util

from ..views import IWorkflowView, WorkflowView, HistogramPlotParams
from ..serialization import camel_registry, traits_str, traits_repr, dedent

from .operation_base import IWorkflowOperation, WorkflowOperation

RangeOp.__repr__ = traits_repr

[docs]@provides(IWorkflowView) class RangeSelectionView(WorkflowView, RangeSelection): op = Instance(IWorkflowOperation, fixed = True) plot_params = Instance(HistogramPlotParams, ()) _range = Tuple(util.FloatOrNone(None), util.FloatOrNone(None), status = True) low = Property(util.FloatOrNone(None), observe = '_range') high = Property(util.FloatOrNone(None), observe = '_range') # data flow: user drags cursor. remote canvas calls _onselect, sets # _range. _range is copied back to local view (because it's # "status = True"). _update_range is called, and because # self.interactive is false, then the operation is updated. the # operation's range is sent back to the remote operation (because # "apply = True"), where the remote operation is updated. # low ahd high are properties (both in the view and in the operation) # so that the update can happen atomically. otherwise, they happen # one after the other, which is noticably slow! def _onselect(self, xmin, xmax): """Update selection traits""" self._range = (xmin, xmax) @observe('_range') def _update_range(self, _): if not self.interactive: self.op._range = self._range def _get_low(self): return self._range[0] def _get_high(self): return self._range[1]
[docs] def clear_estimate(self): # no-op return
[docs] def get_notebook_code(self, idx): view = RangeSelection() view.copy_traits(self, view.copyable_trait_names()) plot_params_str = traits_str(self.plot_params) return dedent(""" op_{idx}.default_view({traits}).plot(ex_{prev_idx}{plot_params}) """ .format(idx = idx, traits = traits_str(view), prev_idx = idx - 1, plot_params = ", " + plot_params_str if plot_params_str else ""))
[docs]@provides(IWorkflowOperation) class RangeWorkflowOp(WorkflowOperation, RangeOp): name = Str(apply = True) channel = Str(apply = True) _range = Tuple(util.FloatOrNone(None), util.FloatOrNone(None), apply = True) low = Property(util.FloatOrNone(None), observe = '_range') high = Property(util.FloatOrNone(None), observe = '_range') def _get_low(self): return self._range[0] def _set_low(self, val): self._range = (val, self._range[1]) def _get_high(self): return self._range[1] def _set_high(self, val): self._range = (self._range[0], val)
[docs] def default_view(self, **kwargs): return RangeSelectionView(op = self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_notebook_code(self, idx): op = RangeOp() op.copy_traits(self, op.copyable_trait_names()) return dedent(""" op_{idx} = {repr} ex_{idx} = op_{idx}.apply(ex_{prev_idx}) """ .format(repr = repr(op), idx = idx, prev_idx = idx - 1))
### Serialization @camel_registry.dumper(RangeWorkflowOp, 'range', version = 1) def _dump(op): return dict(name =, channel =, low = op.low, high = op.high) @camel_registry.loader('range', version = 1) def _load(data, version): return RangeWorkflowOp(**data) @camel_registry.dumper(RangeSelectionView, 'range-view', version = 2) def _dump_view(view): return dict(op = view.op, scale = view.scale, huefacet = view.huefacet, subset_list = view.subset_list, plot_params = view.plot_params, current_plot = view.current_plot) @camel_registry.dumper(RangeSelectionView, 'range-view', version = 1) def _dump_view_v1(view): return dict(op = view.op, scale = view.scale, huefacet = view.huefacet, subset_list = view.subset_list) @camel_registry.loader('range-view', version = any) def _load_view(data, version): return RangeSelectionView(**data)