Source code for cytoflow.operations.autofluorescence

#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
# coding: latin-1

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2021
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


from warnings import warn
from traits.api import (HasStrictTraits, Str, Float, File, Dict,
                        Instance, List, Constant, Tuple, Array, provides)
import numpy as np

import cytoflow.views
import cytoflow.utility as util

from .i_operation import IOperation
from .import_op import Tube, ImportOp, check_tube

[docs]@provides(IOperation) class AutofluorescenceOp(HasStrictTraits): """ Apply autofluorescence correction to a set of fluorescence channels. The :meth:`estimate` function loads a separate FCS file (not part of the input :class:`.Experiment`) and computes the untransformed median and standard deviation of the blank cells. Then, :meth:`apply` subtracts the median from the experiment data. To use, set the :attr:`blank_file` property to point to an FCS file with unstained or nonfluorescing cells in it; set the :attr:`channels` property to a list of channels to correct. :meth:`apply` also adds the ``af_median`` and ``af_stdev`` metadata to the corrected channels, representing the median and standard deviation of the measured blank distributions. Attributes ---------- channels : List(Str) The channels to correct. blank_file : File The filename of a file with "blank" cells (not fluorescent). Used to :meth:`estimate` the autofluorescence. blank_file_conditions : Dict Occasionally, you'll need to specify the experimental conditions that the blank tube was collected under (to apply the operations in the history.) Specify them here. Examples -------- Create a small experiment: .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import cytoflow as flow >>> import_op = flow.ImportOp() >>> import_op.tubes = [flow.Tube(file = "tasbe/rby.fcs")] >>> ex = import_op.apply() Create and parameterize the operation .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> af_op = flow.AutofluorescenceOp() >>> af_op.channels = ["Pacific Blue-A", "FITC-A", "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A"] >>> af_op.blank_file = "tasbe/blank.fcs" Estimate the model parameters .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> af_op.estimate(ex) Plot the diagnostic plot .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> af_op.default_view().plot(ex) Apply the operation to the experiment .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> ex2 = af_op.apply(ex) """ # traits id = Constant('') friendly_id = Constant("Autofluorescence correction") name = Constant("Autofluorescence") channels = List(Str) blank_file = File(exists = True) blank_file_conditions = Dict({}) _af_median = Dict(Str, Float, transient = True) _af_stdev = Dict(Str, Float, transient = True) _af_histogram = Dict(Str, Tuple(Array, Array), transient = True)
[docs] def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None): """ Estimate the autofluorescence from :attr:`blank_file` in channels specified in :attr:`channels`. Parameters ---------- experiment : Experiment The experiment to which this operation is applied subset : str (default = "") An expression that specifies the events used to compute the autofluorescence """ if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowOpError('experiment', "No experiment specified") if not self.channels: raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "No channels specified") if not set(self.channels) <= set(experiment.channels): raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "Specified channels that weren't found " "in the experiment.") # don't have to validate that blank_file exists; should crap out on # trying to set a bad value # clear the current values self._af_median.clear() self._af_stdev.clear() self._af_histogram.clear() # make a little Experiment check_tube(self.blank_file, experiment) exp_conditions = {k:[k] for k in self.blank_file_conditions.keys()} blank_exp = ImportOp(tubes = [Tube(file = self.blank_file, conditions = self.blank_file_conditions)], conditions = exp_conditions, channels = {experiment.metadata[c]["fcs_name"] : c for c in experiment.channels}, name_metadata = experiment.metadata['name_metadata']).apply() # apply previous operations for op in experiment.history: if hasattr(op, 'by'): for by in if 'experiment' in experiment.metadata[by]: warn("Found experimental metadata {} in experiment history; " "make sure it's specified in blank_file_conditions." .format(by), util.CytoflowOpWarning) blank_exp = op.apply(blank_exp) # subset it if subset: try: blank_exp = blank_exp.query(subset) except Exception as exc: raise util.CytoflowOpError('subset', "Subset string '{0}' isn't valid" .format(subset)) from exc if len( == 0: raise util.CytoflowOpError('subset', "Subset string '{0}' returned no events" .format(subset)) for channel in self.channels: self._af_histogram[channel] = np.histogram(blank_exp[channel], bins = 250) channel_min = blank_exp[channel].quantile(0.025) channel_max = blank_exp[channel].quantile(0.975) blank_exp[channel] = blank_exp[channel].clip(channel_min, channel_max) self._af_median[channel] = np.median(blank_exp[channel]) self._af_stdev[channel] = np.std(blank_exp[channel])
[docs] def apply(self, experiment): """ Applies the autofluorescence correction to channels in an experiment. Parameters ---------- experiment : Experiment the experiment to which this op is applied Returns ------- Experiment a new experiment with the autofluorescence median subtracted. The corrected channels have the following metadata added to them: - **af_median** : Float The median of the non-fluorescent distribution - **af_stdev** : Float The standard deviation of the non-fluorescent distribution """ if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowOpError('experiment', "No experiment specified") if not self.channels: raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "No channels specified") if not self._af_median: raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, "Autofluorescence values aren't set. Did " "you forget to run estimate()?") if not set(self._af_median.keys()) <= set(experiment.channels) or \ not set(self._af_stdev.keys()) <= set(experiment.channels): raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, "Autofluorescence estimates aren't set, or are " "different than those in the experiment " "parameter. Did you forget to run estimate()?") if not set(self._af_median.keys()) == set(self._af_stdev.keys()): raise util.CytoflowOpError(None, "Median and stdev keys are different! " "What the hell happened?!") if not set(self.channels) == set(self._af_median.keys()): raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "Estimated channels differ from the channels " "parameter. Did you forget to (re)run estimate()?") new_experiment = experiment.clone() for channel in self.channels: new_experiment[channel] = \ experiment[channel] - self._af_median[channel] new_experiment.metadata[channel]['af_median'] = self._af_median[channel] new_experiment.metadata[channel]['af_stdev'] = self._af_stdev[channel] new_experiment.history.append(self.clone_traits(transient = lambda t: True)) return new_experiment
[docs] def default_view(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a diagnostic plot to see if the autofluorescence estimation is working. Returns ------- IView An diagnostic view, call :meth:`~AutofluorescenceDiagnosticView.plot` to see the diagnostic plots """ v = AutofluorescenceDiagnosticView(op = self) v.trait_set(**kwargs) return v
[docs]@provides(cytoflow.views.IView) class AutofluorescenceDiagnosticView(HasStrictTraits): """ Plots a histogram of each channel, and its median in red. Serves as a diagnostic for the autofluorescence correction. Attributes ---------- op : Instance(AutofluorescenceOp) The :class:`AutofluorescenceOp` whose parameters we're viewing. Set automatically if you created the instance using :meth:`AutofluorescenceOp.default_view`. """ # traits id = Constant('') friendly_id = Constant("Autofluorescence Diagnostic") op = Instance(AutofluorescenceOp)
[docs] def plot(self, experiment, **kwargs): """ Plot a faceted histogram view of a channel """ if experiment is None: raise util.CytoflowViewError('experiment', "No experiment specified") if not self.op.channels: raise util.CytoflowViewError('op', "No channels specified") if not self.op._af_median: raise util.CytoflowViewError('op', "Autofluorescence values aren't set. Did " "you forget to run estimate()?") if not set(self.op._af_median.keys()) <= set(experiment.channels) or \ not set(self.op._af_stdev.keys()) <= set(experiment.channels) or \ not set(self.op._af_histogram.keys()) <= set(experiment.channels): raise util.CytoflowViewError('op', "Autofluorescence estimates aren't set, or are " "different than those in the experiment " "parameter. Did you forget to run estimate()?") if not set(self.op._af_median.keys()) == set(self.op._af_stdev.keys()): raise util.CytoflowOpError('op', "Median and stdev keys are different! " "What the heck happened?!") if not set(self.op.channels) == set(self.op._af_median.keys()): raise util.CytoflowOpError('channels', "Estimated channels differ from the channels " "parameter. Did you forget to (re)run estimate()?") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() for idx, channel in enumerate(self.op.channels): hist, bin_edges = self.op._af_histogram[channel] hist = hist[1:-1] bin_edges = bin_edges[1:-1] plt.subplot(len(self.op.channels), 1, idx+1) plt.title(channel)[:-1], hist, width = bin_edges[2] - bin_edges[1], linewidth = 0) plt.axvline(self.op._af_median[channel], color = 'r') plt.tight_layout(pad = 0.8)