
class cytoflow.operations.threshold.ThresholdOp[source]

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasStrictTraits

Apply a threshold gate to a cytometry experiment.


The operation name. Used to name the new column in the experiment that’s created by apply()


The name of the channel to apply the threshold on.


The value at which to threshold this channel.



Make a little data set.

>>> import cytoflow as flow
>>> import_op = flow.ImportOp()
>>> import_op.tubes = [flow.Tube(file = "Plate01/RFP_Well_A3.fcs",
...                              conditions = {'Dox' : 10.0}),
...                    flow.Tube(file = "Plate01/CFP_Well_A4.fcs",
...                              conditions = {'Dox' : 1.0})]
>>> import_op.conditions = {'Dox' : 'float'}
>>> ex = import_op.apply()

Create and parameterize the operation.

>>> thresh_op = flow.ThresholdOp(name = 'Threshold',
...                              channel = 'Y2-A',
...                              threshold = 2000)

Plot a diagnostic view

>>> tv = thresh_op.default_view(scale = 'log')
>>> tv.plot(ex)


If you want to use the interactive default view in a Jupyter notebook, make sure you say %matplotlib notebook in the first cell (instead of %matplotlib inline or similar). Then call default_view() with interactive = True:

tv = thresh_op.default_view(scale = 'log',
                            interactive = True)

Apply the gate, and show the result

>>> ex2 = thresh_op.apply(ex)
False    15786
True      4214
dtype: int64

Applies the threshold to an experiment.

Parameters:experiment (Experiment) – the experiment to which this operation is applied
Returns:a new experiment, the same as the old experiment but with a new column of type bool with the same name as the operation name. The new condition is True if the event’s measurement in channel is greater than threshold; it is False otherwise.
Return type:Experiment
class cytoflow.operations.threshold.ThresholdSelection[source]

Bases: cytoflow.operations.base_op_views.Op1DView, cytoflow.views.histogram.HistogramView

Plots, and lets the user interact with, a threshold on the X axis.

TODO - beautify!


is this view interactive?


The channel this view is viewing. If you created the view using default_view(), this is already set.


The way to scale the x axes. If you created the view using default_view(), this may be already set.

Type:{‘linear’, ‘log’, ‘logicle’}

The IOperation that this view is associated with. If you created the view using default_view(), this is already set.

xfacet, yfacet

Set to one of the conditions in the Experiment, and a new row or column of subplots will be added for every unique value of that condition.


Set to one of the conditions in the in the Experiment, and a new color will be added to the plot for every unique value of that condition.


How should the color scale for huefacet be scaled?

Type:{‘linear’, ‘log’, ‘logicle’}


We inherit xfacet and yfacet from cytoflow.views.HistogramView, but they must both be unset!


In an Jupyter notebook with %matplotlib notebook

>>> t = flow.ThresholdOp(name = "Threshold",
...                      channel = "Y2-A")
>>> tv = t.default_view()
>>> tv.plot(ex2)
>>> tv.interactive = True
>>> # .... draw a threshold on the plot
>>> ex3 = thresh.apply(ex2)
plot(experiment, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the histogram and then plot the threshold on top of it.

  • experiment (Experiment) – The Experiment to plot using this view.
  • title (str) – Set the plot title
  • xlabel, ylabel (str) – Set the X and Y axis labels
  • huelabel (str) – Set the label for the hue facet (in the legend)
  • legend (bool) – Plot a legend for the color or hue facet? Defaults to True.
  • sharex, sharey (bool) – If there are multiple subplots, should they share axes? Defaults to True.
  • height (float) – The height of each row in inches. Default = 3.0
  • aspect (float) – The aspect ratio of each subplot. Default = 1.5
  • col_wrap (int) – If xfacet is set and yfacet is not set, you can “wrap” the subplots around so that they form a multi-row grid by setting col_wrap to the number of columns you want.
  • sns_style ({“darkgrid”, “whitegrid”, “dark”, “white”, “ticks”}) – Which seaborn style to apply to the plot? Default is whitegrid.
  • sns_context ({“paper”, “notebook”, “talk”, “poster”}) – Which seaborn context to use? Controls the scaling of plot elements such as tick labels and the legend. Default is talk.
  • despine (Bool) – Remove the top and right axes from the plot? Default is True.
  • min_quantile (float (>0.0 and <1.0, default = 0.001)) – Clip data that is less than this quantile.
  • max_quantile (float (>0.0 and <1.0, default = 1.00)) – Clip data that is greater than this quantile.
  • lim ((float, float)) – Set the range of the plot’s data axis.
  • orientation ({‘vertical’, ‘horizontal’})
  • num_bins (int) – The number of bins to plot in the histogram. Clipped to [100, 1000]
  • histtype ({‘stepfilled’, ‘step’, ‘bar’}) – The type of histogram to draw. stepfilled is the default, which is a line plot with a color filled under the curve.
  • density (bool) – If True, re-scale the histogram to form a probability density function, so the area under the histogram is 1. Only seems to work if scale is linear.
  • linewidth (float) – The width of the histogram line (in points)
  • linestyle ([‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | “None”]) – The style of the line to plot
  • alpha (float (default = 0.5)) – The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).