
class cytoflow.operations.import_op.Tube[source]

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasTraits

Represents a tube or plate well we want to import.


The file name of the FCS file to import


A dictionary containing this tube’s experimental conditions. Keys are condition names, values are condition values.

Type:Dict(Str, Any)


>>> tube1 = flow.Tube(file = 'RFP_Well_A3.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 10.0})
>>> tube2 = flow.Tube(file='CFP_Well_A4.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 1.0})
class cytoflow.operations.import_op.ImportOp[source]

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasStrictTraits

An operation for importing data and making an Experiment.

To use, set the conditions dict to a mapping between condition name and NumPy dtype. Useful dtypes include category, float, int, bool.

Next, set tubes to a list of Tube containing FCS filenames and the corresponding conditions.

If you would rather not analyze every single event in every FCS file, set events to the number of events from each FCS file you want to load.

Call apply() to load the data. The usual experiment parameter can be None.


A dictionary mapping condition names (keys) to NumPy dtype``s (values). Useful ``dtype``s include ``category, float, int, and bool.

Type:Dict(Str, Str)

A list of :class:Tube instances, which map FCS files to their corresponding experimental conditions. Each :class:Tube must have a :attr:~Tube.conditions dict whose keys match those of conditions.


If you only need a subset of the channels available in the data set, specify them here. Each (key, value) pair specifies a channel to include in the output experiment. The key is the channel name in the FCS file, and the value is the name of the channel in the Experiment. You can use this to rename channels as you import data (because flow channel names are frequently not terribly informative.) New channel names must be valid Python identifiers: start with a letter or _, and all characters must be letters, numbers or _. If channels is empty, load all channels in the FCS files.

Type:Dict(Str, Str)

If not None, import only a random subset of events of size events. Presumably the analysis will go faster but less precisely; good for interactive data exploration. Then, unset events and re-run the analysis non-interactively.


Which FCS metadata is the channel name? If None, attempt to autodetect.

Type:{None, “$PnN”, “$PnS”} (default = None)

The FCS standard allows you to encode multiple data sets in a single FCS file. Some software (such as the Beckman-Coulter software) also encode the same data in two different formats – for example, FCS2.0 and FCS3.0. To access a data set other than the first one, set data_set to the 0-based index of the data set you would like to use. This will be used for all FCS files imported by this operation.

Type:Int (default = 0)

cytoflow is designed to operate on an Experiment containing tubes that were all collected under the same instrument settings. In particular, the same PMT voltages ensure that data can be compared across samples.

Very rarely, you may need to set up an Experiment with different voltage settings on different Tube`s.  This is likely only to be the case when you are trying to figure out which voltages should be used in future experiments.  If so, set :attr:`ignore_v to a List of channel names to ignore particular channels.





>>> tube1 = flow.Tube(file = 'RFP_Well_A3.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 10.0})
>>> tube2 = flow.Tube(file='CFP_Well_A4.fcs', conditions = {"Dox" : 1.0})
>>> import_op = flow.ImportOp(conditions = {"Dox" : "float"},
...                           tubes = [tube1, tube2])
>>> ex = import_op.apply()
apply(experiment=None, metadata_only=False)[source]

Load a new Experiment.

  • experiment (Experiment) – Ignored
  • metadata_only (bool (default = False)) – Only “import” the metadata, creating an Experiment with all the expected metadata and structure but 0 events.

The new Experiment. New channels have the following metadata:

  • voltage - int
    The voltage that this channel was collected at. Determined by the $PnV field from the first FCS file.
  • range - int
    The maximum range of this channel. Determined by the $PnR field from the first FCS file.

New experimental conditions do not have voltage or range metadata, obviously. Instead, they have experiment set to True, to distinguish the experimental variables from the conditions that were added by gates, etc.

If ignore_v is set, it is added as a key to the Experiment-wide metadata.

Return type:


cytoflow.operations.import_op.check_tube(filename, experiment, data_set=0)[source]
cytoflow.operations.import_op.autodetect_name_metadata(filename, data_set=0)[source]
cytoflow.operations.import_op.parse_tube(filename, experiment=None, data_set=0, metadata_only=False)[source]