
class cytoflow.operations.density.DensityGateOp[source]

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasStrictTraits

This module computes a gate based on a 2D density plot. The user chooses what proportion of events to keep, and the module creates a gate that selects that proportion of events in the highest-density bins of the 2D density histogram.


The operation name; determines the name of the new metadata column


The X channel to apply the binning to.


The Y channel to apply the binning to.


Re-scale the data on the X acis before fitting the data?

Type:{“linear”, “logicle”, “log”} (default = “linear”)

Re-scale the data on the Y axis before fitting the data?

Type:{“linear”, “logicle”, “log”} (default = “linear”)

What proportion of events to keep? Must be >0 and <1

Type:Float (default = 0.9)

How many bins should there be on each axis? Must be positive.

Type:Int (default = 100)

Clip values below this quantile

Type:Float (default = 0.001)

Clip values above this quantile

Type:Float (default = 1.0)

What standard deviation to use for the gaussian blur?

Type:Float (default = 1.0)

A list of metadata attributes to aggregate the data before estimating the gate. For example, if the experiment has two pieces of metadata, Time and Dox, setting by = ["Time", "Dox"] will fit a separate gate to each subset of the data with a unique combination of Time and Dox.



This gating method was developed by John Sexton, in Jeff Tabor’s lab at Rice University.

From, the method is as follows:

  1. Determines the number of events to keep, based on the user specified gating fraction and the total number of events of the input sample.
  2. Divides the 2D channel space into a rectangular grid, and counts the number of events falling within each bin of the grid. The number of counts per bin across all bins comprises a 2D histogram, which is a coarse approximation of the underlying probability density function.
  3. Smoothes the histogram generated in Step 2 by applying a Gaussian Blur. Theoretically, the proper amount of smoothing results in a better estimate of the probability density function. Practically, smoothing eliminates isolated bins with high counts, most likely corresponding to noise, and smoothes the contour of the gated region.
  4. Selects the bins with the greatest number of events in the smoothed histogram, starting with the highest and proceeding downward until the desired number of events to keep, calculated in step 1, is achieved.


Make a little data set.

>>> import cytoflow as flow
>>> import_op = flow.ImportOp()
>>> import_op.tubes = [flow.Tube(file = "Plate01/RFP_Well_A3.fcs",
...                              conditions = {'Dox' : 10.0}),
...                    flow.Tube(file = "Plate01/CFP_Well_A4.fcs",
...                              conditions = {'Dox' : 1.0})]
>>> import_op.conditions = {'Dox' : 'float'}
>>> ex = import_op.apply()

Create and parameterize the operation.

>>> dens_op = flow.DensityGateOp(name = 'Density',
...                              xchannel = 'FSC-A',
...                              xscale = 'log',
...                              ychannel = 'SSC-A',
...                              yscale = 'log',
...                              keep = 0.5)

Find the bins to keep

>>> dens_op.estimate(ex)

Plot a diagnostic view

>>> dens_op.default_view().plot(ex)

Apply the gate

>>> ex2 = dens_op.apply(ex)
estimate(experiment, subset=None)[source]

Split the data set into bins and determine which ones to keep.

  • experiment (Experiment) – The Experiment to use to estimate the gate parameters.
  • subset (Str (default = None)) – If set, determine the gate parameters on only a subset of the experiment parameter.

Creates a new condition based on membership in the gate that was parameterized with estimate().

Parameters:experiment (Experiment) – the Experiment to apply the gate to.
Returns:a new Experiment with the new gate applied.
Return type:Experiment

Returns a diagnostic plot of the Gaussian mixture model.

Returns:a diagnostic view, call plot() to see the diagnostic plot.
Return type:IView
class cytoflow.operations.density.DensityGateView[source]

Bases: cytoflow.operations.base_op_views.By2DView, cytoflow.operations.base_op_views.AnnotatingView, cytoflow.views.densityplot.DensityView

A diagnostic view for DensityGateOp. Draws a density plot, then outlines the selected bins in white.


A read-only list of the conditions used to facet this view.


A read-only list of the conditions used to group this view’s data before plotting.

xchannel, ychannel

The channels to use for this view’s X and Y axes. If you created the view using default_view(), this is already set.

xscale, yscale

The way to scale the x axes. If you created the view using default_view(), this may be already set.

Type:{‘linear’, ‘log’, ‘logicle’}

The IOperation that this view is associated with. If you created the view using default_view(), this is already set.


You must leave the hue facet unset!

xlim, ylim

Set the min and max limits of the plots’ x and y axes.

Type:(float, float)
xfacet, yfacet

Set to one of the conditions in the Experiment, and a new row or column of subplots will be added for every unique value of that condition.


How should the color scale for huefacet be scaled?

Type:{‘linear’, ‘log’, ‘logicle’}
plot(experiment, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the plots.

  • experiment (Experiment) – The Experiment to plot using this view.
  • title (str) – Set the plot title
  • xlabel, ylabel (str) – Set the X and Y axis labels
  • huelabel (str) – Set the label for the hue facet (in the legend)
  • legend (bool) – Plot a legend for the color or hue facet? Defaults to True.
  • sharex, sharey (bool) – If there are multiple subplots, should they share axes? Defaults to True.
  • height (float) – The height of each row in inches. Default = 3.0
  • aspect (float) – The aspect ratio of each subplot. Default = 1.5
  • col_wrap (int) – If xfacet is set and yfacet is not set, you can “wrap” the subplots around so that they form a multi-row grid by setting col_wrap to the number of columns you want.
  • sns_style ({“darkgrid”, “whitegrid”, “dark”, “white”, “ticks”}) – Which seaborn style to apply to the plot? Default is whitegrid.
  • sns_context ({“paper”, “notebook”, “talk”, “poster”}) – Which seaborn context to use? Controls the scaling of plot elements such as tick labels and the legend. Default is talk.
  • despine (Bool) – Remove the top and right axes from the plot? Default is True.
  • min_quantile (float (>0.0 and <1.0, default = 0.001)) – Clip data that is less than this quantile.
  • max_quantile (float (>0.0 and <1.0, default = 1.00)) – Clip data that is greater than this quantile.
  • xlim, ylim ((float, float)) – Set the range of the plot’s axis.
  • gridsize (int) – The size of the grid on each axis. Default = 50
  • smoothed (bool) – Should the resulting mesh be smoothed?
  • smoothed_sigma (int) – The standard deviation of the smoothing kernel. default = 1.
  • cmap (cmap) – An instance of matplotlib.colors.Colormap. By default, the viridis colormap is used
  • under_color (matplotlib color) – Sets the color to be used for low out-of-range values.
  • bad_color (matplotlib color) – Set the color to be used for masked values.
  • color (matplotlib color) – The color to plot the annotations. Overrides the default color cycle.
  • plot_name (str) – If this IView can make multiple plots, plot_name is the name of the plot to make. Must be one of the values retrieved from enum_plots().