Source code for cytoflow.utility.fcswrite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015-2018
# (c) Brian Teague 2018-2019
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Write .fcs files for flow cytometry

Adapted from

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

import numpy as np
import struct

[docs]def write_fcs(filename, chn_names, chn_ranges, data, compat_chn_names=True, compat_percent=True, compat_negative=True, compat_copy=True, verbose=0, **kws): """ Write numpy data to an .fcs file (FCS3.0 file format) Parameters ---------- filename: str Path to the output .fcs file chn_names: list of str, length C Names of the output channels chn_ranges: dictionary Keys: channel names. Values: ranges data: 2d ndarray of shape (N,C) The numpy array data to store as .fcs file format. compat_chn_names: bool Compatibility mode for 3rd party flow analysis software: The characters " ", "?", and "_" are removed in the output channel names. compat_percent: bool Compatibliity mode for 3rd party flow analysis software: If a column in `data` contains values only between 0 and 1, they are multiplied by 100. compat_negative: bool Compatibliity mode for 3rd party flow analysis software: Flip the sign of `data` if its mean is smaller than zero. compat_copy: bool Do not override the input array `data` when modified in compatibility mode. kwargs : Str Additional keyword arguments are written as keyword/value pairs in the TEXT segment of the FCS file. Notes ----- These commonly used unicode characters are replaced: "µ", "²" """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.array(data) msg="length of `chn_names` must match length of 2nd axis of `data`" assert len(chn_names) == data.shape[1], msg rpl = [["µ", "u"], ["²", "2"], ] if compat_chn_names: # Compatibility mode: Clean up headers. rpl += [[" ", ""], ["?", ""], ["_", ""], ] for i in range(len(chn_names)): for (a, b) in rpl: chn_names[i] = chn_names[i].replace(a, b) if compat_percent: # Compatibility mode: Scale values b/w 0 and 1 to percent toscale = [] for ch in range(data.shape[1]): if data[:,ch].min() > 0 and data[:,ch].max() < 1: toscale.append(ch) if len(toscale): if compat_copy: # copy if requested data = data.copy() for ch in toscale: data[:,ch] *= 100 if compat_negative: toflip = [] for ch in range(data.shape[1]): if np.mean(data[:,ch]) < 0: toflip.append(ch) if len(toflip): if compat_copy: # copy if requested data = data.copy() for ch in toflip: data[:,ch] *= -1 # DATA segment data1 = data.flatten().tolist() DATA = struct.pack('>%sf' % len(data1), *data1) # TEXT segment # fix length of TEXT to 4 kilo bytes ltxt = 4096 ver='FCS3.0' textfirst= '{0: >8}'.format(256) datafirst= '{0: >8}'.format(256+ltxt) datalast = '{0: >8}'.format(256+ltxt+len(DATA)-1) anafirst = '{0: >8}'.format(0) analast = '{0: >8}'.format(0) # use little endian #byteord = '1,2,3,4' # use big endian byteord = '4,3,2,1' TEXT ='/$BEGINANALYSIS/0/$ENDANALYSIS/0' TEXT+='/$BEGINSTEXT/0/$ENDSTEXT/0' TEXT+='/$BEGINDATA/{0}/$ENDDATA/{1}'.format(256+ltxt, 256+ltxt+len(DATA)-1) TEXT+='/$BYTEORD/{0}/$DATATYPE/F'.format(byteord) TEXT+='/$MODE/L/$NEXTDATA/0/$TOT/{0}'.format(data.shape[0]) TEXT+='/$PAR/{0}'.format(data.shape[1]) for i in range(data.shape[1]): pnrange = chn_ranges[chn_names[i]] # TODO: # - Set log/lin TEXT+='/$P{0}B/32/$P{0}E/0,0/$P{0}N/{1}/$P{0}R/{2}/$P{0}D/Linear'.format(i+1, chn_names[i], pnrange) for kw, val in kws.items(): kw = kw.replace('/', '//') val = val.replace('/', '//') TEXT+='/{0}/{1}'.format(kw, val) TEXT += '/' if len(TEXT) > ltxt: raise RuntimeError("TEXT segment is too long; specify fewer keywords") textlast = '{0: >8}'.format(len(TEXT)+256-1) TEXT = TEXT.ljust(ltxt, ' ') # HEADER segment HEADER = '{0: <256}'.format(ver+' '+ textfirst + textlast + datafirst + datalast + anafirst + analast) # Write data with open(filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(HEADER.encode("ascii")) fd.write(TEXT.encode("ascii")) fd.write(DATA) fd.write(b'00000000')